Case 2: Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy, midventricular
A case of 39 year old lady who presented with acute shortness of breath 3 days post pregnancy complicated by acute haemorrhage. The left ventricular systolic function normalized within a few weeks.

2CH / 4CH Cine: Ballooning of the midventricular segments with preserved basal contraction.

Tissue characterisation: A) T2w SA: widespread diffuse myocardial oedema at the mid segment; B) Native T1 map 4CH: raised values throughout sparing the basal segments; C) ECV map 4CH: increase in extra-cellular space; D) LGE 4CH: no evidence of myocardial infarction.
Courtesy of Dr. Peter Swoboda, University of Leeds, UK.