  1. Anatomy module (A)
  2. LV function (RV function) module (B)
  3. Edema module (G)
  4. LGE module (E)
  1. Dimensions (corrected for BSA) and function
    • LV: EDV, ESV , SV, EF
    • RV: EDV, ESV, SV, EF
    • Regional wall motion abnormalities
  2. Presence of edema
  3. Presence of LGE
Key Points
  1. Transient acute left ventricular dysfunction due to neurogenic myocardial stunning
  2. Usually in post-menopausal women and in the setting of acute emotional or physical stress
  3. Recovery takes place over a few days with full recovery over a few weeks
  4. Typical Tako-Tsubo pattern
    • Apical akinesia / ballooning
    • Basal / mid-ventricular hyperkinesia
  5. Inverted Tako-Tsubo pattern
    • Mid-ventricular and basal akinesia / ballooning
    • Apical hyperkinesia
  6. Edema in the areas of wall motion abnormalities
  7. Classically NO signs of LGE
    • Infarct-like hyperenhancement has been described in a few rare cases

Japanese octopus trap
after which this disease is named

  1. ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012. ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines 2012.