  1. Cine SSFP pulse sequence (parallel imaging as required)
  2. Trans-axial cine stack (from diaphragm to pulmonary bifurcation) or SA cine stack as for LV module

    Slice thickness 6-8mm, inter-slice gap 0mm
  3. Temporal resolution ≤ 45ms
Tips and Tricks
  1. To reduce breath-hold times use acceleration techniques
  2. Contouring
    • In a healthy heart there is usually one less slice to contour in end- systole at the base of the heart (longitudinal LV shortening). Correlate SA to long axis view if available to identify mitral valve plane.
    • Use the movie function of the analysis software for correct alignments
    • Different methods have been proposed to deal with trabeculation and papillary muscles. Use a consistent approach and the correct normal values for the chosen method.
  3. RV volumes are more reproducible when calculated from an axial imaging plane.