Case 1: Amyoloidosis
Cine 4CH and 2CH: Concentric hypertrophied LV with preserved global systolic function, but significantly impaired longitudinal function. In addition, note the mild pericardial effusion and the bilateral pleural effusions at the lung bases probably indicating severe diastolic dysfunction.
Look Locker post contrast SA: Diffuse uptake in myocardium, which makes it indistinguishable to blood pool signal intensity.
SA (a: apex, b: midventricular, c: base) T1 maps (1), Extra-Cellular Volume maps (2) and LGE imaging (3): As typical findings of cardiac amyloidosis note diffusely higher T1 values (> 1000 ms) and higher ECV values (>35%). In addition, LGE imaging shows diffuse fibrosis with some islets of patchy enhancement.